Friday, May 28, 2010

Latest interview questions with answers

Hi all techies,

After a long gap i am back with some innovations and maverick concept just wait and watch for new updates.

Advance dotnet questions and answers

Q1:What is the difference between WCF and web service? web services are homogenous. web services can use only HTTP chanenel.
Not supports msmq and tcp binding...

WCF is flexible because its services can be hosted in
different types of applications. The following lists
several common scenarios for hosting WCF services:
Managed Windows Service

WCF = Web services + .Net Remoting + MSMQ + (COM+)

Q2:Can we use WPF in web application?

Ans:No, we can't use WPF in web applicatons but we can use Silverlight cos WPF is for pure windows based application.